"I am THE WAY and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me." (John 14:6)
The only way to the Father is through love and service to our neighbor.
Visitation of the Homebound and the Elderly
St. Martin de Porres Outreach
Epiphany's Camillus House Casserole Project
Ministry to the Hurting
Annulment Process
Support Organizations
The St. Vincent De Paul Society
The Parish School
The Religious Education Program (Catechesis for Children)
Religious Education Program for Children
Religious Education for Adolescents in Middle and High School
Bible Study
Baptismal Preparation
The Family Ministry
Reflection Groups
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
The Eucharistic Liturgy
Ministry of Lectors
Ministry of Intercessory Prayer
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Ministers of Music
Ministry of Ushers/Greeters
Other Forms of Prayer
Support Organizations
Visitation of the Homebound and the Elderly - A group of parishioners offers companionship and assistance with their temporal needs. Eucharistic Ministers bring them the Eucharist.
St. Martin de Porres Outreach - St. Martin de Porres parish serves the poor and needy community in South Dade. Our parish holds several events every year to assist in meeting the needs of that community. These events include a Baby Shower for Migrant Mothers in October, food collections during Thanksgiving, and a toy collection and distribution in December.
Epiphany's Camillus House Casserole Project - Camillus House has provided humanitarian services to the poor and homeless populations of Miami-Dade County for more than 45 years. Over the year, it has grown into a full service center offering food, shelter, training, rehabilitation and medical services. Presently Camillus House feeds three meals to approximately 800 to 1,000 homeless each day.
Our parish provides its members the opportunity to help feed the homeless of Camillus House by preparing delicious, healthy casseroles. Each casserole feeds 10 people. Camillus House's kitchen staff provides us with three wonderful recipes which we alternate through the months to provide variety. Special containers are provided to prepare and store each casserole. Those participating in this ministry commit to preparing one casserole and freezing it in their home once a month from September to May. Then they drop it off each month at the Epiphany Parish Center on a predetermined date (usually the 1st Wednesday of the month) between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
Click here to view the schedule and recipes for 2024/2025.
Ministry to the Hurting
Annulment Process - To assist those who may wish to seek the annulment of a marriage, the parish has especially trained advocates to assist in the due process of these cases. They give of their time in the preparation and processing of these cases. The advocates and those involved work directly with and under the auspices of a parish priest or deacon.
Support Organizations
The St. Vincent De Paul Society - The Society is a worldwide organization whose main task is to feed, clothe, shelter, and secure jobs for the poor and needy. Theirs is an organization that depends on the generosity of others to make available assistance to the less fortunate and the destitute. In an effort to assist in the evangelization process, the St. Vincent De Paul Society also provides the catholic newspapers on display in the Church. Their work also involves the visitation of the bereaved in our parish.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
"I am the Way, and THE TRUTH, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me." (John 14:6)
"The Word became man and made his dwelling among us." (John 1:14) Jesus is the Word, THE TRUTH. It is impossible to love that which is unknown. It is necessary to know the Truth, Jesus Christ, in order to come to the Father through love and service.
The Parish School
Epiphany School exists to assist parents in teaching their children Christian values and the tenets of the Catholic faith by promoting parental participation in the development and growth of the child's spiritual life.
The School provides a positive and favorable learning situation in the classroom where solid teaching can take place, where high academic standards can be pursued and where the child can grow and develop spiritually, intellectually, physically, and emotionally.
Our school is staffed by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and by a lay faculty fully certified by the State of Florida. It provides Catholic education from Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade.
The Religious Education Program (Catechesis for Children)
The Catechetical Program in Epiphany Parish attempts to reach those children who attend public or private schools. It offers a life-centered approach to catechesis, leading to an encounter with Christ, conversion of the heart, and experience of the Spirit in the community of the Church.
Religious Education Program for Children - Religion classes for children who attend public or private schools are held on the following days:
- Grades 1-5 - Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
After completion of one year of instruction, children in second grade and up are invited to participate, with their parents, in the program of preparation for First Confession and First Communion.
Religious Education for Adolescents in Middle School and High School - (students in sixth grade and up) - Religion classes for these students are held on Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This program leads our young people to discover Christian values and to put them into practice. It also prepares them for the Sacrament of Confirmation. We have a special class for those who wish to prepare for the Sacraments of Baptism and/or the Eucharist, and a Post-Confirmation Youth Group.
The ministry of catechesis is one of the earliest ministries in the church and it is essential to the mission of the Church. Contact Susana Yllanes to learn how you can become a catechist in one of our programs.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the process by which new members are received in the Catholic Church. It is also the way by which fallen away members come back to the Church and baptized adults who have not received the other sacraments of initiation (Confirmation and Eucharist) are prepared and lead to full participation in the life of the Church.
The R.C.I.A. program begins in the fall. This process of initiation concludes at the Easter Vigil.
Bible Study
Bible Study with Fr. Ireneusz meets Wednesdays from 9:30-11am and Thursdays from 7-8:30pm.
Baptismal Preparation
Baptismal Preparation is of utmost importance because children are baptized in the faith of the Church. Therefore, it is necessary that parents and sponsors, who are members of the Church community, be invited to renew their beliefs and to recognize their responsibility in bringing their child into the faith.
After an initial interview with a priest or a deacon, parents and sponsors are invited to attend a program before Baptism.
The Family Ministry
Reflection Groups - At present time, we have several small groups of parishioners who meet monthly in their own homes to share faith and family issues and to pray together. The small group setting provides an opportunity to experience church community more intimately, and members develop strong bonds of friendship and mutual support.
Natural Family Planning (NFP) - A course on the Symptom Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning is offered at Epiphany for those couples who wish to discover a natural way to postpone or achieve pregnancy. This method utilizes all the fertility signs and achieves a 99% effectiveness level for a well-instructed and well-motivated couple. Professionally trained members of the Couple to Couple League offer instructions at Epiphany.
"I am the Way, and the Truth, and THE LIFE. No one comes to the Father but through Me." (John 14:6)
Of all activities of the Church, none is as essential to the life of the Church as liturgy since the liturgy is the epiphany or manifestation of the Spirit in the Church. It is the celebration of the Eucharist, of the sacraments, of the liturgical year, and of the prayer of the hours. The liturgy is the pinnacle to which all of the activity of the church is directed, and at the same time, it is the source from which flows all its strength. It is the presence and action of the Risen Christ who gives us the Spirit, and it is also the manifestation of the Body of Christ.
The Eucharistic Liturgy
At the Eucharist, Christ offers Himself in Sacrifice for all. Those who have been baptized in Christ, and so belong to Him, gather as a community at His Holy Table to be nourished and renewed to go forth to love and serve. Any ritual action or liturgy always presupposes a variety of ministerial roles. Lectors, musicians, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, and acolytes contribute to the unity and harmony of the liturgical action officiated by the priest.
Ministry of Lectors - Their role is to proclaim the Word of God. Those who engage in this ministry read so well so as not to lose a syllable of the Word of God and to capture the attention of the assembly. Because of its importance, lectors are given the proper training.
Ministry of Intercessory Prayer - The needs for which we pray change rapidly. Even though the world moves so quickly and peoples' needs shift, the Church is convinced of the tremendous value of intercessory prayer. In such a world, the Church seeks to be sensitive to the problems which individuals and community face bringing those concerns to the celebration of the paschal mystery.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion - The communion rite is the heart and center of the entire Eucharistic liturgy. The gathering of the community, the proclamation of God's Word, the Eucharistic Prayer--all are directed toward the moment of communion in which we, many, fed with His own Body and Blood, are made one in the Lord.
Those who are called to administer communion are called to a most beautiful ministry. Therefore, they should exemplify Christian virtues, caring for their neighbor without distinction (of class, age, sex, or race). They receive special training before being commissioned to this ministry.
The Pastor usually chooses those who serve in this ministry.
Acolytes - This ministry involves those who serve at Mass. In their role of assisting the priest, the servers participate with the entire assembly in listening, praying, and singing. They should have, at least, a basic knowledge of liturgy and special training in the ritual action of the Mass (rubrics).
The acolytes at Epiphany are chosen from boys and girls (7th grade and up).
Ministers of Music - The musical tradition of the Church is a treasure of inestimable value because, as a combination of sacred music and text, it forms an integral part of the liturgy.
The dedicated members of our children's choir, adult choir, Spanish choir, the conductor, organist, and cantor- all these people attempt to enhance the liturgy through music, assisting the worship of God by the entire community.
Ministry of Ushers/Greeters - Recent understandings and study about the nature of the worship assembly have given a new significance and status to the role of usher. In former times, the collection of money and the order keeping functions of the role took precedence over other functions because others had ceased to exist in the minds of many church people. This ministry is the role of "official" host -- someone whose presence, conversation, and actions speak a genuine desire that all who come to the liturgical event are welcomed and assisted.
Other Forms of Prayer
"Pray all the time, asking for what you need, praying in the Spirit on every possible occasion. Never get tired of staying awake to pray for all the saints." (Letter to the Ephesians 6:18)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Every day after both morning masses. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the chapel for adoration from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and again from 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
Daily Rosary - The Rosary is recited daily at 7:40 a.m. by all those who gather for this devotion to the Blessed Mother. Led by a parishioner, the recitation of the rosary precedes the daily and Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass.
Parish Pilgrim Virgin - A statue of the Blessed Mother visits the households of the parish. These weekly visits are accompanied by the recitation of the rosary.
Days of Recollection/Reflection/Missions - Throughout the year days of recollection/reflection are scheduled for parishioners or for different groups within the parish community. These offer an opportunity to reflect and grow in prayer to those who are unable to attend an overnight retreat.
Support Organizations
Altar Needs - A group of our women are in charge of the linens, the sacred vessels, and of preparing the altar for the daily, Sunday, and special liturgies throughout the year, as well as for marriages and funerals. They also clean the sanctuary and keep a supply of candles, linens, vestments, and other altar needs in order.
Gift Bearers - Parishioners are encouraged to participate in the offertory procession in any given public Mass to celebrate a special occasion in their family life. Carrying and presenting the gifts at the altar is a way to more visibly share in the Eucharistic liturgy.
Under the leadership of our priests, all the programs and ministries developing at Epiphany are carried out by committed parishioners who generously respond to the call received in Baptism and Confirmation to be active members in the Family of God, the Church.
We invite you!